Saturday, April 7, 2007


so this times aint about any random stuff like its meant to be....

if u are new to my blog read this article first

so yes....
thingology part 2...
it aint about the random its about unnatural happenings that have taken place in the new 11th grade....yeah... for those who havent realised..11th grade has begun....ok so reality check...(im talikin to myself here...for those tht havent realised)....until last year...u were classified loser...well not really...thts just for emphasis...(MCA!!!!!) was all go with the everything tht everyone else originality....but as u know tht all has changed....u got into 11th grade...all confident and stuff...well about the confidence....that hasnt diminished one luving every bit of 11th grade....i luv the responsibility...i luv mindin classes...everything!!!!(if u wanna differ with my opinions...leave a decent comment)...and so it started..11th grade..and u got into two teams in two days...for the first time not as an ultimate substitute...but as one who gets atleast half a match...( i love goalkeeping!!!!!!!!!)so thts 2 multicoloured feathers in my hypothetical hat!!!!!!so yes.. then as u have by now read the fantasies page...i really havy to get over my stage fright......which has been bugging me since lets see........7th yeah...then i had been thinking of the battle of the bands for sometime....even spoke to achint....was ecstatic when he gave an affirmative answer!! i thought about it a lot...and frankly...i salute tony joe!!!the only headmaster who would even think of supporting something like this??so yes...when i saw that naren was making a band i spoke to him online....and he didnt i was even more happier(i couldnt make that grammatically correct)...and then slowly...ever so slowly...i got into it...damn!!!!i wish i cud be more articulate....but any so overexcitedlyhyperisticallymadthatiwannablowmyheadapartkindathingysuchthatithinkthattheworldisabetterplace.....ok so my emotions were only half summed up in that word but i think u get the point....

ok so memory made... Dhwani...this was the first...completely "mu'az" post.....finally got it out!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome post Muaz! The grammar might put off some folks, but that's your style. Don't change it. Good job on getting into those two teams. Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

dam kool muaz keep ritin

Dhwani said...

haha..yup...this ones very diffrnt frm the othrs...completely mu'az....its AWESOME!