Friday, April 20, 2007

thingology-part-4.....10 reasons why the world will end in 5 years.....or less

anyone who reads this should realise that this is a purely hypothetical post....meant for a few laughs and peace of mind....i so hope that the world doesn't end in 5 years.....too much to do....with the exclusion of getting married... grandad says so....he thinks the new generation is the stupidest... every time i see a non-Indian channel....with any actress he says all these nude ladies dancing around....well that sounds more civilised in my language...but come on...i was watching still standing.... grandad is now acting at his best...every time he sees my uncle or aunt he acts like he's gonna hard feelings grand pop...but come are 87...and you can eat more chocolate than anyone i know??he tries to extract every bit of sympathy he can get...its really hilarious...i may even think of taking a video of all this when i get a video cam....

3.Doughnuts come without holes in them....self-explanatory... aunt thought that when she saw a box of Americana cookies...she checked if it was pirated??cant even start explaining??

5.Pepsi and coca cola are now being used in everything....from fuel for cars to being used as a culture medium to cultivate highly hazardous pesticides.....oh yeah and for making teeth black...the new 'in' colour..

6.the 15 year old plate that our family has been using for well....15 years has finally broken....

7. quoted by Jim Carey in ' the number 23' brother didn't cry the last time he was made fun of for being over weight.

9.if god doesn't have any other plans for me...I'll still be alive in 5 years time to help with the organization of judgement day....

10.while writing this post...i realised that my fly was open....i think i have Alzheimer's........

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