Friday, March 30, 2007


a proverb from the wizened......

"If the world was made up of completely lactose intolerant people....then the world would composed entirely of milk....its up to us to make it soy milk or full cream....."
Mu'az-the apostrophe chronicles

The Apostrophe Simple Standard Pointless Units (ASSPU):

LPD :laughs per day-this is counted by the number of times a person says 'HA' in a span of 24 hours.Since this unit can turn out to be highly inaccurate, the Apostrophe Simple Standard Pointless Units Council(ASSPUC) has made sub-unit kinda things ie. can be used with the prefixes MEGA, GIGA and TERA.....WARNING highly inaccurate for people who have asthma.

JPD/JPH :jokes per day/jokes per be used for completely non-bland people who can make a witty statement within a moment's notice.Due to difference of opinion among people the ASSPUC has decide to include the sub units:- CJPD/CJPH-with the 'C' standing for corny.

K : Kelvin.....used to measure the degree of hotness or coolness of a (some)body....also defined as the degree of hotness or coolness required in a guy or a girl to bring about a certain hormonal rush in (most probably) a person of the opposite simple words for the mentally mature....getting turned on.

IQ : Idiocity quotient....not exactly a unit...self explanatory.....used mainly for younger brothers and/or sisters that are commissioned by the almighty to irritate...also used for people that are continuously being stupid...for some unaccountable reason.

cm : i don't exactly know what this one stands for(open to suggestions) but is used to measure the thickness of a 11Th grade textbook.

1m : used to measure the distance between two points a metre apart.

the ASSPUC is open to suggestions for more units....

P.S-a question for the world in general....who made the song 'btw'? the people with the correct answer get the password to my account..and hence free access to the editing of this blog....hint " don't use the Internet.

Monday, March 26, 2007

onward!! friends....

so what was so special about today??
i dunno....
was it the fact that no one was playing bball wen i came to school???
the fact that arya smiled before he frowned???
the fact that....

awwww heck lets get to the point

boards are officially over!! big deal...

ok so not a big deal




now for the post.....

the day started off quite ok....
or so i thought....

the croissants i had for breakfast made me get a little indigestion......more can be told on this topic if you call me on 0502447520 or 042855092.i am gonna get aveneeth......spinneys has never failed me before today..
but then i sat and read the paper.....u know the usual stuff.....calling my brother fat and asking him as to why he has to wear a lungi!!!(phone no. is given)
then we were uncles car sounded funny today.....or was it just me??was it the cornicopia of enjoyment that i wanted to feel for so long coming close??
i dunno the car was kinda shivering.....which is weird cuz in the past 9 years i didnt feel anything from the we were off....the ride was the usual uneventful thing....getting stuck in airport road traffic(thank god for the ras al khor bridge)almost getting crushed by 2-3 trailers that apparently had side view mirrors too small for any good use.then the traffic in front of that collossal union cooperative.oh crap!!!!!!! now even shekhar suman thinks he can sing!!why oh lord why????but i think i can sing pretty decent too(this is a call out to all talent scouts). but now i am convinced....if he can sing...then i am russel peters, bono, jimi hendrix, and lets see....sting,chester bennington......ok stop!(MCA!!!!)
where was i....ah yes...the union cooperative looked so big!!!!!!! :-( like 3.5 km from school wanting to take all the pics out of my 15 year old minolta(a time when zoom power was not measured in 2X or 10X but in mm which wasnt so easy to read)and this happens.....but then god....or rather a police guy(known as MAMU in the rashidya circuit) comes in this BMW blarin his loud sireny thingy....(why do i keep doing that?.... .... . .. ..... .... ... ...arrghMCA!) he comes....blares his sirens and goes...but he left an impact somewhat larger than what jesus and mohammad could have done.....the freakin traffic dispersed in like 20 seconds!!!now im gonna buy a little green and white car with a siren i got to uncle told me to underline my answeres and stuff....and oh yeah BE ALERT....dont get carried i walk in my camera out ready to get a still of nishant doing a classic nishanty layup...and heck...they are all studyin?!!! how??so i proceed to ask them how this which i got was that solomon thought that we should be studyinbecause its our last exam.....yada yada yada....after which i took a classic shot of batra studyin all serious and stuff!! hard to miss.then a poetic afflatus seized me yeah yeah i rhymed for some time about....well rhymes....cant remember. then we all walked in after i took afew photos of every1 wrote the paper and got out amidst well i dont have an adjective see....ppl were such killjoys...discussing the paper(btw im just getting 70-76)(i know that you expected me to explain a little more about the paper...but all very hazy)so i took around 30 odd pictures(which btw i will most dutifully scan and put up)shamveel's classsic rippin up the paper just like he promised....then we went on home....after some minor confusion where we lost mikhail for a few minutes...and his mom wasnt so frantic as i thought she wud be.and know im waitin here....dunno wot to do....batra sent me a video...which is not 5 hours long. waiting for my PS2 to load...


i know this a very veryveryveryveryvery boring post....but sorry guys....almost got a writers block there.......will be my original self soon though.....

oh and MCA means MENTAL CONFLICT will be seein a lot of that in times to come

mu'az. the proffesional air guitarist....

Saturday, March 24, 2007

demetri martin

one of my all time favourite comedians.
see if you can get your hands on Demetri Martin-Person

Friday, March 16, 2007

Do you really wanna catch 'em all

yes...we all had them...the cards, at least 2 of the games, and every thing that comes with it.i had a extraordinarily small collection of 174 cards,Achint had 600 and above.But is it really woorth all the hype.they have been made in 1995.its 2007 and the worlds second largest game/comic book/movie franchise still holds all the young.and the the moderately are some wikipedia ideas that amused me.but the thing that gets me the most is.... i havent used the word until now in this post. :P POKEMON

can you believe it.!!!!!!???

Main article: Criticism of Pokémon


The original black-skinned Jynx design and source of the controversy.This original design of the Pokémon Jynx bore a striking, but possibly coincidental, resemblance to entertainers in blackface. A strong case can be made for Jynx being a parody of or homage to the Japanese Ganguro and Yamanba fashion trends, which were extremely popular when Pokémon was first released. Blackface-influenced characters have appeared elsewhere in anime and manga - examples can be found near the beginning of Osamu Tezuka's early graphic novel, Metropolis and also can be found with Dragon Ball Z's Mr. Popo.

As Pokémon became more popular in the United States, this perceived similarity to a racist image from the United States' past offended some. In particular, it offended children's book author Carole Boston Weatherford, who accused Jynx of being a racist stereotype in an article titled "Politically Incorrect Pokémon" in the magazine Black World Today, shortly after the anime episode Holiday Hi-Jynx aired.[citation needed] As a result, later episodes of the anime which feature Jynx were either banned or edited in the United States.

In 2002, in response to this controversy, Nintendo changed Jynx's face from black to purple and its hands from blue to purple in the video game series, a change which would be reflected in the anime three years later.

Animal cruelty
The primary mechanism of Pokémon has been compared to the generally-outlawed practice of cockfighting.[21] Seen from this point of view, the game consists primarily of Pokémon trainers capturing and bartering in wild animals, coercing them to fight one another, and also features various performance-enhancing drugs to give them an edge in the fight. Some people believe that this may encourage children to commit acts of animal cruelty and illegal gambling.[22]

In spite of these allegations, Pokémon maintains a fan base that views the battling as a friendly competition between two teams of Pokémon and their trainers. Seen in this light, Pokémon are not being coerced to battle by their trainers. There are references to some Pokémon being territorial (e.g. Pidgeotto[23]), but it is vastly different to the aggressively territorial nature of roosters, who will maim the "enemy" rooster until it or the other dies. Furthermore, trainers do not relish the idea of allowing two animals (or, in this case, Pokémon) to fight to the death while merely viewing from the edge of the "ring"; rather, Pokémon trainers are usually depicted as fighting alongside their Pokémon and providing moral support, not simply issuing commands for them to follow. In addition to all of the above, Pokémon do not actually die from battle; they either "faint" or are otherwise made unable to battle.

In both the games and the anime, the audience is taught that fighting is not necessarily a means to an end, and those who would rather fight than compromise are often portrayed in a negative light. Furthermore, the use Pokémon for selfish or "evil" purposes is frowned upon, and organizations such as Team Rocket, which is often depicted using Pokémon solely for personal (and usually monetary) gain, are generally considered villains.

Main article: Banned episodes of Pokémon

One frame of the scene that caused the seizures.On December 16, 1997, more than 635 Japanese children were admitted to hospitals with convulsive epileptic seizures. It was determined that the seizures were caused by watching an episode of Pokémon, "Dennō Senshi Porygon," (most commonly translated "Electric Soldier Porygon", season 1, episode 43); as a result, this episode has not been aired since. In this particular episode, there were bright explosions with rapidly-alternating blue and red color patterns.[24] It was determined in subsequent research that these strobing light effects cause some individuals to have epileptic seizures, even if the person had no previous history of epilepsy. As a consequence, many publishers (including Nintendo) added warning labels to their video game products (or made pre-existing labels more prominent), warning that exposure to video games may trigger seizures in individuals vulnerable to photosensitive epilepsy.

This incident is the most common focus of Pokémon-related parodies in other media, and was lampooned by The Simpsons episode "Thirty Minutes over Tokyo"[25] and the South Park episode "Chinpokomon," among others.

ahhhhhhhhhh the joblessness of people in this world......

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Dark Side Of The Knight

believe it. batman, jedi, alliance?!!
yup. its all come together. this is how movies should be made.
The caped crusader with the force.

i KNOW ull like it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

that guitar solo from youtube

this guitar solo has 16 million views on youtube.
enough reason to check it out

is he great or what 17 year old .maaaan look at his fingers move

Saturday, March 3, 2007


oh yeah
we've all had them and still do. they come in various types, times and to different people. ive had them and will continue to proudly do so. here are ALL of my fantasies I've had ever since i can remember.(hope i got all of them)
  1. flying a plane: started in around 1995. been my lifelong dream to be a pilot. always been interested in planes and always will be. i live across the road from the airport, i get to watch the airshow for free and i can tell you one thing, i will fly a plane some day if its the last thing i do.

  2. pick up a microphone and speak on a stage to atleast 47.6222 people:(started in 2000) i have IMMENSE stage fright. bugs me to the core. heck i cant even make a proper speech in front of my whole class when theres a teacher is standing nearby. i would love to get over eyes start getting blurry, my knees start shaking and my voice sonds like its coming from someone else.

  3. this one is similar to the previous, but yes one day i would like to get on stage with a band of my own and sing my heart out.(started in 2003)

  4. get a girlfriend:(lasted from 6th grade to beginning of 7th)this was one i look back at and laugh my heart out.and hey i know you HAVE had this one so admit it.

  5. write a fake letter to marisa lobo(of young times):(fullfilled in 2005) yup i did it.after careful examination of atleast 50 letters to her i wrote one my self. perfect mix of all the problems a teenager ever had. would have saved it but thought again incase my mom found out.

  6. get a guitar:(started in 2003 still craving for one) i hate it when this happens. eversince i bought that meteora album, this has been like a dream. I've spent half my bus rides learning about pickups, frets and tremolos from shaun. i know allmost everything ther is to know before you start playing but never got my mom to get me one. although a 90% in boards it is guaranteed!

given above are some i wouldnt mind getting if in the budget(ibanez RG tremolo and a Les Paul BFG)