Monday, March 26, 2007

onward!! friends....

so what was so special about today??
i dunno....
was it the fact that no one was playing bball wen i came to school???
the fact that arya smiled before he frowned???
the fact that....

awwww heck lets get to the point

boards are officially over!! big deal...

ok so not a big deal




now for the post.....

the day started off quite ok....
or so i thought....

the croissants i had for breakfast made me get a little indigestion......more can be told on this topic if you call me on 0502447520 or 042855092.i am gonna get aveneeth......spinneys has never failed me before today..
but then i sat and read the paper.....u know the usual stuff.....calling my brother fat and asking him as to why he has to wear a lungi!!!(phone no. is given)
then we were uncles car sounded funny today.....or was it just me??was it the cornicopia of enjoyment that i wanted to feel for so long coming close??
i dunno the car was kinda shivering.....which is weird cuz in the past 9 years i didnt feel anything from the we were off....the ride was the usual uneventful thing....getting stuck in airport road traffic(thank god for the ras al khor bridge)almost getting crushed by 2-3 trailers that apparently had side view mirrors too small for any good use.then the traffic in front of that collossal union cooperative.oh crap!!!!!!! now even shekhar suman thinks he can sing!!why oh lord why????but i think i can sing pretty decent too(this is a call out to all talent scouts). but now i am convinced....if he can sing...then i am russel peters, bono, jimi hendrix, and lets see....sting,chester bennington......ok stop!(MCA!!!!)
where was i....ah yes...the union cooperative looked so big!!!!!!! :-( like 3.5 km from school wanting to take all the pics out of my 15 year old minolta(a time when zoom power was not measured in 2X or 10X but in mm which wasnt so easy to read)and this happens.....but then god....or rather a police guy(known as MAMU in the rashidya circuit) comes in this BMW blarin his loud sireny thingy....(why do i keep doing that?.... .... . .. ..... .... ... ...arrghMCA!) he comes....blares his sirens and goes...but he left an impact somewhat larger than what jesus and mohammad could have done.....the freakin traffic dispersed in like 20 seconds!!!now im gonna buy a little green and white car with a siren i got to uncle told me to underline my answeres and stuff....and oh yeah BE ALERT....dont get carried i walk in my camera out ready to get a still of nishant doing a classic nishanty layup...and heck...they are all studyin?!!! how??so i proceed to ask them how this which i got was that solomon thought that we should be studyinbecause its our last exam.....yada yada yada....after which i took a classic shot of batra studyin all serious and stuff!! hard to miss.then a poetic afflatus seized me yeah yeah i rhymed for some time about....well rhymes....cant remember. then we all walked in after i took afew photos of every1 wrote the paper and got out amidst well i dont have an adjective see....ppl were such killjoys...discussing the paper(btw im just getting 70-76)(i know that you expected me to explain a little more about the paper...but all very hazy)so i took around 30 odd pictures(which btw i will most dutifully scan and put up)shamveel's classsic rippin up the paper just like he promised....then we went on home....after some minor confusion where we lost mikhail for a few minutes...and his mom wasnt so frantic as i thought she wud be.and know im waitin here....dunno wot to do....batra sent me a video...which is not 5 hours long. waiting for my PS2 to load...


i know this a very veryveryveryveryvery boring post....but sorry guys....almost got a writers block there.......will be my original self soon though.....

oh and MCA means MENTAL CONFLICT will be seein a lot of that in times to come

mu'az. the proffesional air guitarist....

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